The Mountain Boardroom Blog

Hills and Mountains Anthony Ackers Hills and Mountains Anthony Ackers


Rising above the town of Sedbergh, this accessible hill offers incredible views across the northern Yorkshire Dales, and offers a gateway to the wonderfully quiet Howgills.

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Hills and Mountains Anthony Ackers Hills and Mountains Anthony Ackers

Rough Haw

This oddly-shaped hill is overshadowed by its taller pointy neighbour, but a hidden history and glorious views into the heart of the Yorkshire Dales can be found on its flat summit.

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Business, Coaching Outdoors Anthony Ackers Business, Coaching Outdoors Anthony Ackers

September is the new January - Why now is the perfect time to reset your goals and strategy

With the summer bank holiday now behind us, the children stuck between the end of holiday clubs and the start of school, and more and more people wondering why they're still turning up when everyone else is off on holiday, things have that strange, 'week before Christmas' feel to them.

But now is the perfect time to check in on your progress for the year - check out our guide on how to take stock and set yourself up for a fantastic Autumn.

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