What’s OUR Vision?
What's OUR vision?
For nearly everyone attending their first Mountain Boardroom session, vision is at the heart of the conversation. Having an idea of where YOU want to be heading, is crucial for understanding where North is for your business 🧭
And when it comes to larger businesses, we can't create a company vision, unless we know what the ambitions and motivations of its leaders are.
But should it stop there?
Or what's beyond the company vision?
As a child of the 80s/90s (yes I am that old), I remember that when people asked what we wanted in life, alongside the usual answers of 'a Mountain Bike' or 'a Megadrive', you'd get the occasional answer of:
🌍 World Peace.
Sometimes, it was a filippant answer, suggesting you didn't really know what you wanted.
Or sometimes, it was because you didn't want to be selfish (as you already had a mountain bike), so you'd grant your 'wish' to a bigger, human, cause.
And that human cause was always clear. It was World Peace.
It struck me recently that I don't really know what that bigger, human, cause is any more.
With all the conflict in the world over the past 30 years, world peace isn't really talked about (maybe it seems further away than ever).
Instead, we now have a number of genuinely existential threats to human existence, each one a cause in itself, e.g.
📉 Rapidly declining fertility rates
🗑️ Over-consumption of resources
🍂 Significant changes to the environment we live in and a decrease in the habitability of the ecosystems that support the human population
😞 Increased social isolation and declining mental health
This is by no means an exhaustive list, and it doesn't even touch on any of the technological and socio-political issues at play right now.
And it's all against a backdrop of extremely rapid societal change.
As we navigate this fast pace of transformation, it would really help to have a north star, a wider vision to guide us through it.
A human vision.
Like World Peace. But for our world today.
I always encourage clients to use their time in the mountains to 'vision bigger' and think deeper. Not necessarily in terms of 'more', but in terms of 'bolder'. More ambitious.
And wider reaching. Beyond yourself. Beyond your business.
⭐ What can your wider positive impact be?
🧑🤝🧑 What is our human vision?