The Mountain Boardroom Blog

Business, Coaching Outdoors Anthony Ackers Business, Coaching Outdoors Anthony Ackers

September is the new January - Why now is the perfect time to reset your goals and strategy

With the summer bank holiday now behind us, the children stuck between the end of holiday clubs and the start of school, and more and more people wondering why they're still turning up when everyone else is off on holiday, things have that strange, 'week before Christmas' feel to them.

But now is the perfect time to check in on your progress for the year - check out our guide on how to take stock and set yourself up for a fantastic Autumn.

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Coaching Outdoors Anthony Ackers Coaching Outdoors Anthony Ackers

Find your colours

With Blue Monday just around the corner, I've been thinking about colours - not only how they both symbolise and affect moods and emotions, but also about my own relationship with colours, and how they can represent me and the things that are important to me.

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Business, Coaching Outdoors Anthony Ackers Business, Coaching Outdoors Anthony Ackers

How to Establish Your Business Strategy in Crazy Times

The difference between a business strategy that genuinely motivates you to achieve your vision, and one that gathers dust on the shelf is all down to how you approach it. I have put together some of the lessons I’ve learned over the years for making sure that you create (and actually implement) something is aligned truly with where you want to go, and that will inspire others to buy into the journey.

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