Yorkshire Three Peaks Charity Challenge Walk in support of Leeds Mind - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

 So, tell me about the challenge?

On Sunday 25th September, I'll be leading a group walk of the Yorkshire Three Peaks in support of Leeds Mind

What's the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge?

The Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge is a circular route, starting at Horton-in-Ribblesdale in the Yorkshire Dales, and then climbing three of the highest mountains in the Dales: Pen-y-Ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough. As well as the actual ascents of the mountains, there are long distances to cover between each one. In total, the route is over 40km (24 miles) long and ascends over 1500m (5000ft)


What's the terrain like?

On the whole, there are good, wide paths, however there is a steep, rocky section on each of the mountains (on the ascents of Pen-y-Ghent and Ingleborough and on the descent of Whernside). There are a couple of areas that may be slightly muddy after heavy rain, but these are limited.

Looking over the limestone pavement near Ingleborough, looking out towards Whernside, with a rainbow between

The limestone pavement near Ingleborough, looking back at Whernside

 How many will be doing the challenge?

Places are limited by the number of people that we can lead safely - currently there are two of us leading so we will have a group of 15-18 people.


How do I join?

The walk is open to anyone to join! I do ask that you make a donation (this is the cost of your ticket) and set yourself a fundraising target of £200. The link to sign up is here.


What happens if I don't reach the fundraising target?

Think of it more as a goal. We want you to raise as much as you can, but if you don't make the target, don't worry, your place is secure


Will I get a chance to know the other participants before the walk?

Absolutely! On signing up, you'll be added to a challenge walk WhatsApp group. You'll also have the opportunity to join us on practice walks before the event

How fit do you have to be?

The truth is that whilst not everyone will be fit enough, I'd say that with a little preparation, the route is well within the capability of most people.

If you've done any hill walking, this is absolutely achievable for you.

If you walk the dog regularly for a couple of km, or walk the kids to school, you can build up from there.


I don't have enough time to build my fitness!

Of course you do! Each week I'm sharing a training route, starting at 5km, and increasing in length, up to 20km. There will also be the opportunity to join me on training walks and other Mountain Boardroom events.


Can I bring my dog?

I'd ask here: How much would you dog appreciate a 24 mile walk up three mountains?! If the answer is: They'd love it! Then absolutely, consider it. Please be aware however that you will need to keep your dog on the lead throughout the walk. Please read our full FAQ for more details about bringing dogs on adventures


Where does it start?

The walk starts at the centre of Horton-in-Ribblesdale, at the now-closed Pen-y-Ghent cafe, but we will meet at the car park (location will be provided). If you arriving on the day, you will need to arrive by car due to the early start time - we will encourage car sharing for those able to do so. Parking is usually £5 per day.

 If you are arriving the night before, there is also the option of arriving by train or bus.

 We will be arriving on the day.

Pen-y-Ghent, one of the Yorkshire Three Peaks, towering high over the path, set against a stormy sky

Pen-y-Ghent is the first of the Yorkshire Three Peaks that we’ll be taking on

 How long will it take?

The challenge time is to complete the walk within 12 hours. To put into context, this is a steady walking pace throughout, with small breaks. A fast walker can probably do the route in about 8-9 hours.


What time does it start?

We are aiming to leave Horton-in-Ribblesdale at 0630. This is half an hour before sunrise, and will give us approximately 13 hours of decent daylight


'Decent... Daylight'? What happens if we get delayed and it gets dark?

Coming back in the dark is unlikely, but not an issue. We know the route very well, and are also experienced of walking and navigating in the dark.


How busy will the route be?

Sundays are significantly quieter than Saturdays on the Y3P route. There may still be a number of people on the route. Everyone group is walking at their own pace, but we should hopefully not encounter large crowds


Do I need special equipment?

There will be a recommended equipment list provided to participants, but in brief, you'll need some comfy walking boots, waterproofs, non-cotton/denim trousers and an insulation layer. You'll also need to pack a rucksack with enough food and water for the day.


Can I stay locally?

There is a campsite, Cragg Hill Farm, about a mile from the centre of Horton-in-Ribblesdale. There are two hotels - The Golden Lion and The Crown, plus several self-catering/AirBnB-style locations


What about after the challenge?

There is no formal post-challenge meal being organised, but we're likely to want something to eat afterwards. We will check in with you and the group, and book something appropriate


Are there refreshments and toilets on the route?

There are some part-time facilities along the route, which we'd be happy to use if they're open, but you should pack food assuming that they are closed. The last time I went on the route (August 2022) these were located:

  • Near the Ribblehead viaduct (catering van)

  • After the descent from Whernside (ice cream van)

  • At the campsite between Whernside and Ingleborough (vending machines)


There were also portaloos just after the campsite, though generally it's a 'wild wee' situation.


Why Leeds Mind?

There's a great deal of synergy between what we do at Mountain Boardroom and Leeds Mind. Everyone should have access to resources to improve or even just maintain their mental health, and Leeds Mind do a fantastic job in providing services and information to help people in times of need, and also to help people to help themselves.

How do I sign up again?

The link is here. You can absolutely do this, and your support will be awesome!!